Yes, I know it has been a long time since I have updated the blog. I am sorry. We had a wonderful Christmas break. We were very busy. Here are few pictures of what we have been up to...
One day Bran and I got a wild hair to take 5 kids to NASA. Brandon and I really had a great time with all of them.
Jack (2), Maggie (6), Elizabeth (4), Sam (5), and Cole (3)

Harrison, Maggie, Sara Grace, and Samantha at Extreme Pizza on Memphis.

Samantha and Andrew. These two were born 7 days apart and have always loved being with each other.

Cole and Harrison loved this ride... it was a roller coaster ride. They rode it 8 times!!!!!

Samantha and Mee Maw (Bran's grandmother). She loves her HSM robe.

Cole opening presents at Gi Gi's house.

He likes the noises his helmet makes.

Brandon rockin' it out on Brad's guitar hero.

Samantha, Callie, Maggie, and McKena on Christmas day. It is so funny that Sam and Callie look like sisters and Maggie and McKena look like sister too!

Samantha showing her Daddy how it is really done!

Samantha at her class Christmas party.

Waiting to open their books from the book exchange.
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