Saturday, February 28, 2009

Play Ball...

After the fall season of softball was canceled due to hurricane Ike, Samantha finally got to play her first game today. She was nervous last night before going to bed, but this morning she informed me that she dreamed about her game and that in her dream she did a great job. "So now I am excited about my first game," she told me.
All smiles after getting her uniform. Their team name is Team USA. In honor of the gold medal team from this past year Olympics. Her coach has really done his homework on the team. The girl's uniforms are just like the Olympic team (the color, socks, hat, and red under shirt). Even down to the numbers on the girls jerseys. He chose numbers that the Olympic team had.

One proud and excited little girl.

Assistant Coach Brandon and player Sam.

Samantha playing third base in her "softball ready" stance. The first few plays of the game she held this pose before she decided she could go after the ball. They are so funny to watch! How many 5 and 6 year old girls does it take to stop one ground softball???? No less than 4.

Waiting patiently for her turn at bat.

The 6 and under group batting process is preparing the girls for coach pitch. The coach pitches 3 balls to the batter. If the batter doesn't hit the ball then they have 2 tries off the tee. Look at my girl concentrate... Is that a Brandon face or what?!?!?!

Samantha has a run! She had two at bats and hit off the tee both times. The first time she had a base hit and the second time she had a double. We were all very proud of her. She asked me if she looked like her cousin Kelly in her uniform and if I thought she was as good as Kelly.

Cole was a trooper. With Samantha playing and Brandon coaching he really was great! It was very windy so he sat mostly in my lap eating pretzels and snuggling under a blanket.

The best part of the game for ALL the girls was the snacks and drinks afterward. Here is the team talking about the great game. Although they don't keep score in t-ball, the girls figured out that they won. GO TEAM USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's go fly a kite....

During Gigi's (aka Terri) visit she bought the kids a kite. They could hardly wait to try it out. As soon as Sam got home from school on Wednesday, Sam and Brandon were out side getting the airplane kite off the ground.
Samantha flying the kite. She was very proud.

"Look, Mommy, an airplane kite!!!!!!"

Brandon supervising to make sure Samantha is following FAA regulations.

It's a bird... it's a plane... no it's an airplane kite!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mardi Gras

We had a wonderful time at Mardi Gras. Sunday was my birthday. We celebrated BIG. My Mom got me the crown and king cake to start off the day.

Brandon and I on the carriage. Ready to throw our beads. This is one of the highlights of the weekend every year.

Chad, Jamie, Me, and Brandon all ready for the Bacchus Ball.

I think Jamie and Chad enjoyed their first experience at a Mardi Gras ball. We sure loved having them there.

The sibling shot. Frankie and Timothy love all the festivities too.

My Daddy! Thank you for all the planning. It is a lot of work and it is always wonderful.

The Half Fast were toy soldiers for MG this year. These were some of the best costumes they have has in years. Brandon had a blast as always. He was so exhausted afterwards.

The group shot. Megan (aka... Aretha Franklin), Timothy, me, Mom (Ginny), Dad (Frank), Brandon, and Frankie on the bottom.

Friday, February 13, 2009

100 Days of School

This past Friday Samantha celebrated being in school for 100 days. All the kindergartners dressed up 100 year old people and paraded around the school. They all looked so cute.
I put baby powder in Sam's hair. When she saw herself in the mirror she had a complete melt down. It totally freaked her out to see herself with white hair. I promised to bring her a change of clothes for after the parade. She looked so cute!

Once she saw the other kids she felt a little better, but was still very eager to change.

Listening to the teacher.
The high point for Sam was having GiGi there. Maggie had ear surgery the day before and surprised Samantha by coming with GiGi to watch the festivities. Now Maggie and Uncle Brandon have the same scar on the ear. Bran has had the same surgery 3 times.

Christmas Fun

Yes, I know it has been a long time since I have updated the blog. I am sorry. We had a wonderful Christmas break. We were very busy. Here are few pictures of what we have been up to...

One day Bran and I got a wild hair to take 5 kids to NASA. Brandon and I really had a great time with all of them.

Jack (2), Maggie (6), Elizabeth (4), Sam (5), and Cole (3)

Harrison, Maggie, Sara Grace, and Samantha at Extreme Pizza on Memphis.

Samantha and Andrew. These two were born 7 days apart and have always loved being with each other.

Cole and Harrison loved this ride... it was a roller coaster ride. They rode it 8 times!!!!!

Samantha and Mee Maw (Bran's grandmother). She loves her HSM robe.

Cole opening presents at Gi Gi's house.

He likes the noises his helmet makes.

Brandon rockin' it out on Brad's guitar hero.

Samantha, Callie, Maggie, and McKena on Christmas day. It is so funny that Sam and Callie look like sisters and Maggie and McKena look like sister too!

Samantha showing her Daddy how it is really done!

Samantha at her class Christmas party.

Waiting to open their books from the book exchange.