Here is Brandon as Frank the Tank from the movie "Old School." He was very proud of his costume. Much to the party goers dismay he decided not to be in total character... no he did not go streaking.

Cole and his new best friend Rylie. These two were so cute running and playing together. They did not say much but they seemed to know what each other wanted to do. They would look at each other and just start laughing. TOO CUTE!!!!

After tick-or-treating Samantha decided she was in charge of handing out the candy. She planted herself in this chair. Some of the other kids helped hand out candy too. Here is Samantha and Roo waiting for more trick-or-treaters.

The family picture. Samantha wants to be a cat next year and have me do her makeup like I did mine. Cole loved my cat makeup. Every time he looked at me he would get a huge smile on his face and say "Mommy, you a cat!"

Cole loves trick-or-treating. Bran said he would go to the door and yell "TRICK-OR-TREAT!" And if Cole thought the people didn't give him enough candy he would sit down right in front of the door and pout until they gave him more. Candy Whore!!!!!

Jamie the vampire and Terri the cat. We got to stay and hand out candy while the Dads took the kids trick-or-treating.

Frank the tank and the gynecologist. Chad had a sign on his back saying, "I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look."

The Straughan's! Thanks for having us over, we had such a great time.

Brandon with Curious George and an Astronaut.

Callie (the cat), Jaylin (the devil), and Samantha (the astronaut). The girls had a blast playing together. Don't they look so cute!
I hope everyone had as great of a Halloween as we did. The kids got lots and lots of candy and ran and ran until they were exhausted. And Brandon and I got to hang out with some great people and eat great gumbo.
We had a blast,too! I'm so glad y'all came---Cole and Roo were adorable--they were like long lost buddies (just like Sam and Callie!
pGlad we got to hang out. Sam & Cole were adorable.
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