Brandon is out of town until Friday afternoon. So yesterday after school we decided to carve our pumpkins for Halloween. Cole was very excited but lost interest quickly when his mean mother refused to let him play with a knife.

One of neighbors, Brooke, came over to help Samantha hallow out the pumpkins.

Everyone concentrating very hard on drawing the face. It could only be done with two kids watching Brandon's every move.

The church were Cole goes to school has a pumpkin patch. We decided to go check it out. They had a large assortment in various sizes and colors. Cole stayed very busy trying to pick up every pumpkin he saw. This is the only picture he let me take. We chose 2 to take with us to go with the most expensive pumpkin ever that we had bought at another patch.

Daddy and his little "punkin" in the pumpkin patch.
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